Monday, October 11, 2010

On-Ice Practice At Last!!!

After weeks and weeks of planning and a one-week delay in getting the ice rink opened, we finally held our first on-ice practice. And, we had a good turnout as 9 out of the 12 kids were able to make it.  I thought we'd have more gone due to football.  Funny how excited the kids are to play hockey!

As is typical, there were more "activities" planned for practice than time allowed.  We are evaluating players this week and completed the forward & backward skating, passing, and puck handling evaluations.  On Wednesday, we will complete the shooting, stops, and speed evaluations.  Right now, it doesn't look too bad.  Last year, we had a few kids who could hardly skate or couldn't skate in a forwards direction.  This year, all the kids can do that.  Not bad, not bad at all.  Could be a fun year.

The "Prowler" jersey was awarded to one of the "new" kids who, I think, by the end of the year will be a pretty darn good skater... Right now, he's a bit raw.

I've just completed creating the next practice plan, entered the evaluation results on a spreadsheet, and updated this sucker... Time for some shuteye.  Oh, it snowed on top of the ski mountain last Friday and it feels like deep fall already... Winter's a-comin'!!

Night all!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Dang, I'm Tired!

It's about midnight on Sunday morning and I'm just finishing up hockey practice planning and game schedule updates. I'm wiped!

Found out that most of our game times have been set but have a few questions about our Durango trip and "non-league" games.  I am a bit frustrated that Durango scheduled our first game on Saturday at 8:45 AM.  This basically means we either leave at midnight on Saturday to drive down there or stay two nights in Durango hotel.  Grrr, I'm going to see if we can get a later start time.

We had two days of off-ice practice this week which had about 5 kids each day.  Most of the kids are playing football and won't finish that up until after this week.  We will have 13 players on the team so that was better than the initial 9 we thought we would have!

That's all for tonight, folks.  I'm outta here!

Feeling like fall and got snow on top of the Ski Mountain yesterday.  It's hockey season!